
Physical Examination - problems you could have to face with

Children are a special group of patients and we have to take care of them in a special way. The problem about kids is that they are not able to accurately describe their symptoms which can cause problems in identifying their disease. In order to solve this problem we have to communicate with them in a clear way that they understand, with precise questions easy to answer "it hurts here?, do u feel pain?" and an adapated language with a simple vocabulary. Also we must be polite and make their stay comfortable and safe. If we use this tips children will be more relax and it will be easier to identify their desease.

Role Play- Aerobic Exercise 1

Role Play-Actions

Physiotherapist Job Profile.Mindmap.

link to the mindmap: https://www.mindomo.com/es/mindmap/organigrama-66e11267e865408093557ace2dfb22f7

Physical Therapy

Physical Examination – First steps.